San Diego DMV Hearings For Driving Under The Influence (DUI)
San Diego DMV Hearings For DUI Arrests
If the arresting officer took your physical license and gave you a pink temporary paper license, you have only 10 days to request a DMV administrative hearing to challenge the suspension of your license due to your DUI arrest. Your temporary license will expire 30 days after your arrest unless your San Diego DUI defense attorney requests a timely hearing. Even if you do not have a valid CA license or you have a valid out-of-state license, the California DMV is still going to try to suspend your license if you registered a .08 or greater on the official chemical test. This test was most likely performed at the jail, police substation, or the hospital. If your arrest did not involve alcohol but drugs, or your BAC was less than .08, the DMV will take no action at the beginning of your case.
If you were under 21 at the time of your arrest, the Zero Tolerance Law applies to you, and the DMV will try to suspend your license for at least one year if you had any measurable of alcohol in your system. Underage drivers may be able to apply for a “Critical Needs License.” Contact Attorney Michael L. Stuartimmediately to request your DMV hearing and a stay of your suspension so that you can continue to drive. All calls or emails will be promptly returned.
NOTE: While on DUI probation, if you are stopped by a police officer and any amount of alcohol is detected (.01% or greater) after submitting to a breath test (known as a PAS Test), the DMV will seek to suspend your license for one year and force you to complete a 18 month program, even though the Court or Prosecution may not seek to revoke your probation in the criminal case. If you refuse this PAS Test while on DUI probation, the DMV will seek a two year revocation of your driver’s license.
Defending You At The San Diego DMV Hearing
Attorney Michael L. Stuart has handled over 400 DMV hearings in San Diego relating to DUI arrests. He knows how to beat the DMV at their game. He has the information and resources necessary to consistently make the proper objections to the documents the DMV Hearing Officer is trying to admit against his clients. You may think you do not have a chance of saving your license, but Attorney Michael L. Stuart has been successful for dozens of his clients and is your best chance of saving your license from a DUI suspension. Attorney Michael L. Stuart can guide you through the complicated process of obtaining a restricted license if you are serving a license suspension for multiple DUI's. Good resultscan be obtained in your case as well. Winning the DMV hearing would prevent a suspension of your license, stop any increase to your insurance rates, and preclude you from having to participate in a First Conviction Program. It is essential that you hire an experienced San Diego DUI defense attorney that can successfully handle all of your legal issues.
Consequences Of A DUI License Suspension In San Diego
If it is your first time being arrested for a DUI in San Diego, the DMV will try to suspend your privilege to operate a motor vehicle for 4 months. A knowledgeable DUI defense attorney like Michael L. Stuart can guide you through the process of how to obtain a restricted license after the first 30 days of your suspension. If the DMV suspends your license because they claim you refused the chemical test, you would lose your license for one year and would not be able to get a restricted license. If you have more than one DUI suspensions in last ten years, the San Diego DMV will suspend or revoke your license for 1-3 years. You would be required to attend and complete an eighteen month DUI program to ever get your license back. This does not have to occur.
Contact Attorney Michael L. Stuart immediately to request your DMV hearing and prevent your DUI license suspension from happening. All calls or emails will be promptly returned.